Former New York Rangers' takes issue with Canadians disrespecting the U.S. National Anthem

Joshua Deeds
February 3, 2025  (7:30 PM)

Patrick Kane
Photo credit: NHL Trade Talk

With Multiple Canadian Fanbases Booing the National Anthem this week, former New York Rangers forward Patrick Kane commented on the situation. The US National Anthem was booed twice this week, in Ottawa, and Vancouver.

NHL fans in America were taken aback, as instead of throwing jerseys on the ice, there's been an inflammatory reaction to the US National Anthem.
The Anthem was booed in Vancouver this weekend, where Patrick Kane would return to the ice off of injured reserve.
He'd experience the tensions that were born of geopolitical turmoil, and was taken aback by the reaction of NHL fans.
One hockey fan showed empathy with Canadians on "X".
Canadians booing the U.S. national anthem isn't something I ever thought I'd see, but this is what happens when you let a psychopath criminal with isolationist and protectionist policies back into the White House.

Former Ranger Patrick Kane made a statement regarding fans booing the US National Anthem.

"Showtime" Patrick Kane wouldn't hold back his thoughts on an ongoing trend in hockey, as the US National Anthem has become one of infamy.
"It's too bad. It is what it is. I guess you can maybe understand it from this side, but it seems like it's a thing that's going around the league right now."
NHL fans in Canada are unhappy, with the latest moves happening in America, and this is one way they can voice their displeasure during this moment in time.
While you may not like it, you have to understand their perspective in all of this, as Canada has been a consistent friend to the US dating back to the 40s.
No idea when this could stop, but rest assured tensions have been flaring since late January.
Kane may not like it, but like all of us, we'll have to deal with it and stay humble.
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Former New York Rangers' takes issue with Canadians disrespecting the U.S. National Anthem

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